Have you lost your mojo? Here's a cool way to get it back.

Are you reading this and feeling stuck, lost, burned out, or generally unsure of what you want to do next with your career?

Do you feel like you've lost your mojo - that spark and energy you once had when you thought about work (and life more broadly)?

This is more common than you may think... maybe it's the change of weather here in Melbourne (so not loving these cold mornings!), but we're encountering a lot of clients in this boat. It is sometimes symptomatic of being on autopilot at work, plodding along and forgetting what you do well and really enjoy - in other words, your strengths and passions.  

Having been at career crossroads ourselves, we love helping clients move out of this frustration and uncomfortableness, towards more clarity and self-confidence.

One way we've seen this work well is to do some exploratory work at the beginning of our coaching engagements.

This often involves a deep dive into the things that give you energy. When was the last time you felt joyful? Full of energy? In flow? What helped you achieve that sense of fulfilment? How could you tap into that again, to help you regain your confidence to better manage your current situation, as well as what's ahead of you?

If you find the above questions a bit hard to answer off the top of your head, a particular tool we're loving at the moment is Strengths Profile. One of the reasons we find it powerful is because it helps people connect with what they do well and where they get their energy from. This often then leads to lovely "ah ha" moments about what you've been missing and what you could invite more of into your careers to feel more satisfied and fulfilled. It's then a lovely starting point to spring from, for a richer exploration of fulfilling possibilities.

Curious to find out more? Please get in touch - we love chatting about all things "career" and "strengths" :)

Image: Chris Barbalis (Unsplash)

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