Supporting mothers returning to work

Do you have an employee returning to work after parental leave? Perhaps you have a staff member who has already recommenced their employment and is struggling to perform effectively. We can help you support their re-entry to and integration with the company.

We are passionate about supporting mums who are returning to work, to help them better reconcile the competing roles they play in their personal and professional lives. With direct experience in this area, we know first-hand the challenges women can face as they try to integrate their commitments to work and family.

We aim to help mothers feel more comfortable (and less guilty) about the choices they make, and clearer about their work and life goals, so they can perform more effectively. We do this by working with mothers one-on-one to identify their strengths, values, and skills, and to help them define new measures of success. We then support them to develop personal strategies that support them in all areas of life, fostering high degrees of self-compassion and self-confidence. We also provide active support once they have implemented their chosen strategies, monitoring their progress and helping them keep on track towards their personal and professional goals.

To enable us to best support mothers and their busy lives, we offer several appointment options. We can meet mothers at their place of work, or at our office (if in Melbourne), or online via Zoom (particularly if they are not yet back at work, or are based outside of Melbourne, including interstate or overseas).

To find out more about our returning to work services, contact us today.