What brings you joy?

You might think it absurd me asking you this right now, amidst all the chaos and uncertainty of COVID-19 as it continues to heighten and spread. If you’re anything like me, your mind is much better at over-analysing and worrying (especially after reading alarming articles in the news and on social media), projecting into the future “What if….” and back to the past “If only….” Schools closing (hello home schooling and juggling work commitments), many cities and countries going into lockdown, businesses facing bankruptcy, fast growth of virus cases in your local area… it’s enough to push us over the edge. Anxiety, stress and fear are completely normal and appropriate responses to what we’re facing right now.* Here’s the thing though - these emotions are very contagious. Focusing on them takes us down a panic spiral and others down with us.

Of course we’re going to continue to have these difficult thoughts and feelings. We don’t have a delete button in our brain to get rid of them. However, we can intentionally take moments to make different choices to support our mental health and that of those around us as we move through these unprecedented times.

One of these is savouring moments of joy, which has been found to improve decision making, enhance creativity, increase resilience to adversity, lower cortisol (our stress hormone) and strengthen our resistance to illness.  

What’s brought you joy today? I challenge you to experiment with this over your coming week and notice the effect they have on you.

I’ll go first - for me in the last week, my moments of joy have included:

1.       Trying new recipes - I love veggies and have been experimenting with new roasts, dressings and salads. I’ve also loved flipping through some old recipe books and Pinterest for new inspiration.

2.       Baking - I’ve come up with a Blueberry and Banana Spiced Oat Slice which smells divine and my family loves (reach out if you’d like the recipe - it’s awesome!)

3.       Standing on the grass in the sunshine (I’m especially looking forward to that when it warms up today after an 8 degree start – brrr!)

4.       Reading – I’ve just finished The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart by Holly Ringland and The Signature of All Things by Elizabeth Gilbert and recommend both.

5.       Connecting with loved ones (thank goodness for technology while now in isolation) - I had a group call with some dear friends around the world –the World Time Buddy app is great to work out convenient time zones for everyone.

6.       Finding a cherry tomato plant has self-seeded in some leaves waiting to be composted in our backyard– now growing flowers!

7.       Listening to a beautiful yoga nidra track before bedtime to decompress and relax.

8.       Debriefing a client on their Strengths Profile results – lifting her spirits by helping her connect with what she does well and gets her energy from – very timely in this new and unpredictable environment…

9.       Re-discovering some catchy Spanish kids songs (Mazapán), playing them loudly and dancing around the house.

10.   Delicious cuddles with my daughter :)

I hope this has been helpful for you. Take care, stay healthy and please reach out if I can help you in any way (even just to exchange baking ideas!).

*Our mental health is more important than ever – if you or someone you know needs support – please reach out. Our psychologists are working via telehealth (using Zoom) and can help you today: emotion-focused.com.au / 03 9820 5577
