Making a career change might not be as hard as you think.

Would you like to change careers, but assume you're the wrong fit because you don't have the pre-requisites or the right degree behind you? Well think again. Companies are starting to make innovative hiring choices, to promote diversity of thought and remain competitive in increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) markets. 

A great example of this is KPMG who have reportedly hired a pool of 389 audit graduates for 2016, and over a third of them do not possess traditional accounting degrees. Ten percent of them do not even have a formal commerce, economics or business degree. Instead, these individuals have desirable skills and backgrounds to add competitive advantage to the firm, having studied in quite different fields including environmental science, languages, counter terrorism, and social work. 

It is true that this may introduce some complexities - for example these new hires may need to give more upfront thought to how best to navigate and drive their careers in their new firm. Such companies may also need to go to extra lengths to onboard these individuals and support them in different ways to enable success in their new roles.

However, examples like KPMG's graduate program are really encouraging, and further strengthen our resolve to get the message out:  you can do (almost) anything you want! (Ok, so you might not be able to become an astronaut just because you like the idea of space travel...)

Seriously though, we invite and encourage you to try and widen your thinking as much as possible. Move past traditional pathways, and consider how you could enter a role through a side door.You may increase your chances of moving into something that really interests and excites you.

If you're not sure where to start, let us help you. We regularly support clients wanting to make career changes, and we can share some 'outside the square' job search strategies that just might help you land that next role!