This odd-looking collection of handmade boats (yes... they're meant to be boats!) is from an amazing offsite I attended yesterday. As pre-work, we were invited to go for a mindful walk and collect twigs, flowers, leaves and pebbles to create playing pieces for a coaching game. The next task was to assemble our boats (In my defence, I was politely rushed to finish, so mine could have been better, but as I'm a reformed perfectionist, I was mostly fine with what I came up with ;-))
We posed a question that we wanted to explore during the game, essentially a personal or professional goal. For example, mine was how to be more playful more often. We then proceeded around the circle, contemplating our goals as we moved our boats down coloured rivers, coaching each other and ultimately all arriving at new perspectives that felt energising and connected with our original purpose.
What unfolded was a wonderful day of self-discovery and a brilliant reminder of the power of making space for: self-reflection, connection with other lovely like-minded professionals, having a go at something a bit different, exploring new perspectives, learning lots of cool new things, and generally engaging in activities that bring us joy.
When was the last time you slowed down and consciously worked on your goals? You don't even need to spend a whole day doing it (although it felt quite indulgent!). Spending as little as 1% of our day (15 minutes) on making great things happen can still be highly transformative.
What can you bring some focus and energy to this coming weekend? :)